Plagiarism in students as challenge to higher education system in Russia and abroad

  • Sergey Golunov
Keywords: higher education, Plagiarism in Students, Qualification Papers, Internet Technologies, Financing of Colleges


Considered are reasons of the wide spread of the plagiarism in students, as well as advantages and disadvantages of the principal means of fighting itm and the specifics of the current situation in the Russian higher education. The author believes that it is necessary to take urgent and drastic measures, including the standardizing of sanctions against plagiarists, encouragement of teachers who fight plagiarism, and creation of nationwide online service controlling student qualification papers.


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How to Cite
Golunov, Sergey. 2010. “Plagiarism in Students As Challenge to Higher Education System in Russia and Abroad”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 3 (December), 243-57.