Problems of Funding Russian Colleges and the Budget Reform

  • Svetlana Solyannikova HSE University
Keywords: education funding, per capita funding, diversify the sources of funding, investments in education


The government policy in the sphere of funding colleges should pursue the following two goals: first, to improve the mechanism of funding colleges from the budget, and second, to diversify the sources of funding for the sector. The article analyzes different means and models for the funding of colleges. The drawbacks of the current mechanism for funding colleges from the budget are considered, and the reasons for these problems are discussed. The problems of establishing standards of per capita funding and of evaluating the efficiency of federal budget expenditures for funding colleges are also discussed. In order to diversify the sources of funding, the authorities need to use different financial incentives to attract investments in education: budget subsidies, grants, state and municipal guarantees, tax exemptions, etc.


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How to Cite
Solyannikova, Svetlana. 2010. “Problems of Funding Russian Colleges and the Budget Reform”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (December), 47-65.
Educational Policies