Digital Tools in the Computerization of Schools

  • Elena Bulin-Sokolova HSE University
Keywords: information and communication technologies, computerization of schools, digital educational resources


The principal tools provided by information and communication technologies (ICT) are considered, as well as problems that can be solved by using these tools in schools. ICT can be used to achieve modern educational goals, and provide greater possibilities for the development of students. Some elements of this approach are implemented in most Moscow schools and are recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for all regions, while other elements have been used only in certain experiments. Some tools have emerged only recently and research is being conducted to determine how best to use them in the school environment. The insufficient attention given to the entire spectrum of digital teaching equipment (and of digital educational resources) is one of the most common mistakes of many computerization programs.


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How to Cite
Bulin-SokolovaElena. 2011. “Digital Tools in the Computerization of Schools”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 3 (February), 271-80.