The Aporia of Humanitarian Education

  • Alexander Filippov HSE University
Keywords: humanitarian education, cultural self-identification


Contemporary humanitarian education is in a controversial situation. Formerly intended to train the highest bureaucracy, it presently comes as the idiom of the elite's cultural selfidentification, and a means to impose the dominant ideology on the public. It is also deemed useful for making strategies of successful life. As it really is, education is, above all, a value in itself, and universities are sole institutions whose mission is to preserve and develop education as such a value. Universities, however, can survive only if they help to find answers to key questions of this life.


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How to Cite
Filippov, Alexander. 2010. “The Aporia of Humanitarian Education”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 4 (December), 53-62.
Educational Policies