Formation of Value-Normative Complex in the Culture of Small Entrepreneurship: Comparative Analysis of Two Markets in Magadan Region

  • Ефим Сергеевич Фидря Северо-Восточный государственный университет
Keywords: market, values, small entrepreneurship, capitals, entrepreneurship societies


The paper is devoted to the value-normative complex in the culture of small entrepreneurship. The analysis is based on the empirical research of two local markets: computers and office equipment and the market of car spare parts.

Author Biography

Ефим Сергеевич Фидря, Северо-Восточный государственный университет

Старший преподаватель кафедры социологии и политологии Северо - Восточного государственного университета, г. Магадан   

How to Cite
ФидряЕ. С. (2010). Formation of Value-Normative Complex in the Culture of Small Entrepreneurship: Comparative Analysis of Two Markets in Magadan Region. Journal of Economic Sociology, 8(5), 74-93.
Insight from the Regions