Vol 26 No 1 (2025)
In this issue:
Tikhоnova N. Specifics of the Financial Behaviour of Russians under the Influence of External Shocks in Recent Years
Moebius S. Sociology in Germany. A History (excerpt)
Stalinov G. The Practice of Reproducing Solidarity among Truckers, Couriers and Taxi Drivers
Tikhomirova A. Consumption in the Сrisis Сontext: Literature Review -
Journal of Economic SociologyVol 25 No 5 (2024)
In this issue we present:
Mayo E. ‘The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilisation’ (excerpt);
Alexandrova A., Rusakova M., Tkach S. ‘Value Orientations and Job Search Strategies of St. Petersburg Residents in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis’;
Kolotovkina A. ‘Institutions of the Past: The Potential of Organizational Theory in Collective Memory Studies’;
Grinchenko V. ‘Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Comparative Analysis of Petrozavodsk and Pskov’; -
Vol 25 No 4 (2024)
In this issue
Makarov E., Tikhomirov D. The Problem of the Digital Ruble Adoption Among Russian Small Entrepreneurs: Choice, Enforcement, and Social Networks in the Social Construction of Trust
Schumpeter J. The Crisis of the Tax State (excerpt)
Strukova P. Talentism in Contemporary China: A Case Study of Labor Management in the Greater Bay Area
Shestakov D. What is the Secret to the Success of the US Economy? Book Review: Usanov P. (2023) Amerikanskaya Modernizatsiya: Idei, lyudi, ekonomika [American Modernization: Ideas, People, Economy], St. Petersburg: EUPRESS. 288 p. (in Russian) -
Vol 25 No 3 (2024)
In this issue:
Korotaev S. Historical Semantics of the Class Concept in Academic Literature: The Experience of Quantitative Analysis
Kuzina O. Moiseeva D. Is There a Relationship Between Household Saving Behavior, Trust in Financial Institutions and Saving Attitudes in Contemporary Russia?
Pfeiffer S. Digital Capitalism and Distributive Forces (excerpt)
Fedotov D., Inkizhinova S., Shkurin D. Measuring Corruption in the Irkutsk Region: A Sociological Approach
Hudang A. K., Setyarini Y. Do Subsidized Rice and Conditional Cash Transfer Programs Affect Poor Households’ Food Consumption Expenditures? A Difference-in-Differences Approach -
Vol 25 No 2 (2024)
In this issue:
Shabanova M. Unnecessary Items, Waste Issue and Solidarity Practices Among Russian Consumers
Etzioni A. Happiness is the Wrong Metric: A Liberal Communitarian Response to Populism (excerpt)
Iudin I. The Socio-Demographic Portrait and Values of Russian Investment Apps Users
Ermolin I. Illegal Wildlife Trade: Prospects for Economic Sociology -
Vol 25 No 1 (2024)
In this issue:
Roshchina Y., Belova Y. Who Stops Drinking Alcohol in Russia?
Maksimenko A., Deyneka O., Yurinova D., Charushina E., Boyarkin K. Correlations of Compulsive Shopping with Anxiety and Depression in Russia
Stahl B.C., Schroeder D., Rodrigues R. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Case Studies and Options for Addressing Ethical Challenge (excerpt)
Getman A., Adamovich K. Regional Differences in the Access of Russian School Students to Distance Learning in 2016-2022
Lisitsyn P., Rezaev A., Stepanov A. Balances in the Migration Theories -
Vol 24 No 5 (2023)
In this issue
Shevchuk A. Theorizing Digital Platforms: A Conceptual Framework for the Gig Economy
Sassen S. Cities in a World Economy (excerpt)
Tonkikh N. Family-Work and Private Life of Women: Qualitative Changes in the Remote Working Environment
Lytkina T. Yaroshenko S. Expulsions of the Russian North: Exclusion Without Rights to Resources -
Vol 24 No 4 (2023)
In this issue:
Rogozin D. Social Capital: Prospects for Theory Development
Feigina A.,Aguzarova E., Korovina A., Rusakova M. Consumer Socialization of Children and Adolescents in the Context of the Digital Society
Philippon T. The Great Reversal. How America Gave Up on Free Markets (excerpt)
Pavlov A. Sexual Capital -
Vol 24 No 3 (2023)
In this issue:
Kurakin D. Yu., Latypov I. A. Ecosystems of Choice: On Some Limitations of Rational Choice Theory and a Strategy for Overcoming Them
Vernikov A. V., Kurysheva A. A. Living Beyond Means as Reflected in Old Russian Proverbs
Katz B., Novak J. The New Localism (excerpt)
Lavrusevich P. E. To Live with a Pine Wood or To Live in a Pine Wood: Gathering Practices and Space Appropriation (The Case of Karakansky Pine Wood) -
Vol 24 No 2 (2023)
In this issue:
Poplavskaya A. The Value of Work for Russian University Students: The Logic of Justifying the Choice in Favor of Personal Gain or Social Utility
de Blij H. The Power of Place: Geography, Destiny, and Globalization’s Rough Landscape (excerpt)
Urban O. Non-Jural Labor Practices at Kuzbass Coal Enterprises: The Experience of Sociological Analysis Within the Historical Context
Pishnyak A., Khalina N., Nazarbaeva E. The Paths from Middle Class: Evaluation of the Poverty Risks for the Russian Middle Class -
Vol 23 No 5 (2022)
In this issue:
Khumaryan D. Flexible Management in the IT and Creative Sector: Decentralized Capitalism?
Veblen T. The Economic Theory of Woman’s Dress
Sizova I., Rusakova M., Alexandrova A. The Job Seekers Market and the Frictions of Finding Jobs on Online Platforms
Lipasova A. Why Do Women Still Quit Their Jobs? Women’s Employment Transitions in the European Context -
Vol 23 No 4 (2022)
In this issue:
Shvetsova A., Simonova I., Obolenskaya A., Krivoshchekova M. Online Practices of the Economic Behavior of Russian Women during Maternity Leave
Zukin S. The Innovation Complex: Cities, Tech, and the New Economy (excerpt)
Zhidkova P. Determinants of Reasons for Financial Disagreements in Married or Cohabiting Couples in Russia: Relational Sociology Approach
Mert A. The Ontological Disunity of Money in Sociological Theory -
Vol 23 No 3 (2022)
Читайте в номере:
Гладун Е. Ф., Нистен-Хаарала С., Тулаева С. А., Захарова О. В. Экономика коренных народов в арктических регионах: традиции и трансформации (на примере России, Финляндии, США)
Аникин В. А. Социальная структура новой России: опыт применения апостериорного подхода
Бенанав А. Автоматизация и будущее труда
Лехциер В. Л., Шекунова Ю. О. Генетизация с точки зрения генетиков: направления, проблемы и перспективы персонализированного и предиктивного молекулярно-генетического тестирования в России -
Vol 23 No 2 (2022)
Interview with Samantha King: Medicinal Capitalism: Beyond Cancer, Health, Pain and Meat
Ryzhova N., Zhuravskaia T. The Role of Social Media in the Adaptation of Russians Working in Precarious Labour Markets in Korea and China
Dorling D., Gietel-Basten S. Why Demography Matters (excerpt)
Kazun A. Conspiracy Thinking: Concept, Measurement and Factors -
Vol 23 No 1 (2022)
In this issue:
Shabanova M. Throwing Food Away and Food Rescue Practices in Russia (Microlevel Analysis)
Slobodenyuk E. Social Mobility of Russians in Terms of Life Chances and Risks
Fligstein N., McAdam D. A Theory of Fields (Excerpt)
Lukyanova A. Self-Employment, Secondary Jobholding, and Labor Income Inequality -
Vol 22 No 5 (2021)
In this issue:
Vernikov A., Kurysheva A. Precedence and Conspicuousness in Car Consumption
Crary J. 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep (an excerpt)
Makarov E., Tikhomirov D. The Problem of Defining the Essence of Money in Contemporary Economic Sociology: Between the State and Trust
Fényes H., Mohácsi M., Pusztai G. Types and Predictors of Career Consciousness among Higher Education Students -
Vol 22 No 4 (2021)
In this issue:
Pavlyutkin I. How the Sense of Community Arises in Marriage: The Logic of Mutuality
Fligstein N., Vogel S. Political Economy after Neoliberalism
Popova E. Imagination, Uncertainty and Business Strategies of Russian Companies in the Field of Medical Devices -
Vol 22 No 3 (2021)
In this issue:
Sitkevich D. Effects of Modernization on Social Capital: Evidence from Dagestan
Stark D., Pais I. Algorithmic Management in the Platform Economy
Krasilnikova N. Flexible Commuting Patterns by Current Residents of Chelyabinsk
Gasiukova E., Petrova A. The Subjective Perception of Employment Instability: Is It Bad to Be Unstable? -
Vol 2 No 22 (2021)
In this issue:
Bessonova O. Transformation of the Institution of Administrative Complaints in Civilian Uniforms
Mazzukato M. The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs Private Sector Myths (an excerpt)
Kapeliushnikov R., Demina N. Consumption of Cultural Goods in Russia: Scale, Determinants, Differentiation
Karmaeva N., Zakharov A. Participation in Professional Training and Non-Economic Effects for Workers in Russia -
Vol 22 No 1 (2021)
In this Issue:
Mironova A., Tatarko A. Psychological Causes of Corruption: The Role of Worries
Polyakova E., Manokin M. Cultural Professions in Modern-Day Russia: Statistical Portrait of the Workers
Haskel J., Westlake S. Capitalism without Capital: The Rise of the Intangible Economy (an excerpt)
Kazun A., Pashazhin S. ‘Alien Elections’: Neighboring State News on the 2018 Russian Presidential Elections -
Vol 21 No 5 (2020)
In this issue:
Wegren S., Trotsuk I. Is Industrial Agriculture Sustainable During Climate Change and Ecological Threats?
Mazzucato М. The Value of Everything. Making and Taking in the Global Economy (an excerpt)
Duda A. The Phenomenon of Downshifting in Central and Eastern European Countries: Case Studies from Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia
Wyrwa J., Kaźmierczyk J. Conceptualizing Job Satisfaction and Its Determinants: A Systematic Literature Review -
Vol 21 No 4 (2020)
In this issue:
Sokolov М., Sokolova N. Milieus, Not Classes: Patterns of Horizontal Stratification in Urban Russia
Stark D. Testing and Being Tested in Pandemic Times
Sidorova Е. How Different are the Models of Administrative Adjudication Across the Russian Regions? On the Example of Antitrust Cases
P. Zhidkova Types of Financial Disagreements in Families: Qualitative Evidence from Russia -
Vol 21 No 3 (2020)
In this issue:
Katerina Guba, Mikhail Sokolov, Nadezhda Sokolova The Dynamics of Dissertation Industry in Russia, 2005–2015. Did New Institutional Templates Change Academic Behavior?
Luc Boltanski, Arnaud Esquerr Enrichment: A Critique of Commodities (excerpts)
Iuliia Papushina Behind the Scene of Soviet Runway Fashion: Capital and Position in the Field
Khalikova Y. Constitutional Review and Dissenting Opinions in Nondemocracies: An Empirical Analysis of the Russian Constitutional Court, 1998–2018 -
Vol 21 No 2 (2020)
Читайте в номере:
Сёмин П. О. Некоторые закономерности установления региональных категорий особо охраняемых природных территорий
Хачатуров А. Д. Трансформации режимов правительности под влиянием новых областей знания: случай поведенческой экономики
Харви Д. Состояние постмодерна: исследо-вание истоков культурных изменений
Muleev E. Why Do Marshrutkas Exist in One City and Not in Others? Toward a Political Economy of Route in Russian Urban Public Transportation