Economic SociologyVol 10 No 5 (2009)
Interview with Immanuel Wallerstein
Strebkov D.O., Shevchuk A.V. Freelancers in electronic markets: the role of social ties
White H. Markets and Firms: Reflections on the Perspectives of Economic Sociology
Fadeeva O.P. Land question in the village: will the "moment of truth" come?
Economic SociologyVol 10 No 4 (2009)
Interview with Philip Steiner
Sokolov M.M. A few remarks about the devaluation of academic degrees ...
Granovetter M. Strength of weak connections
Lind de Montoya M. Discovering New Directions in Economic Anthropology
Economic SociologyVol 10 No 3 (2009)
Interview with Keith Hart
Kozina I.M. Industrial conflicts in a sovereign Russia
Coleman J. Introduction of social structure in economic analysis
Lapin N.I. The problem of values in the research of VA Yadov and his colleagues
Economic SociologyVol 10 No 2 (2009)
Interview with Charles Tilly
Karabchuk T.S. Determinants of employment stability in Russia and East Germany: a comparative analysis of microdataGirz K. The Bazaar Economy: Information and Search in Peasant Marketing
Steinberg I.E. The process of socialization of social support networks in inter-family and friendly exchanges
Economic SociologyVol 10 No 1 (2009)
Interview with Robert Sale: Five questions about economic sociology
Radaev V.V. Economic struggle and social ties: the structure of competitive relations in the new Russian retail
Stark D. The heterarchy: the organization of dissonance
The power of thought. Review of a new book by Janos Kornai
Economic SociologyVol 9 No 5 (2008)
Interview with Jens Becker: Ten questions about economic sociology
Shevchuk A. Models of modern capitalism: the basics of comparative institutional analysis
Waldinger R., Aldrich H., Ward R. Ethnic Entrepreneurs
Demina N. Eternal questions of Russian sociology
Economic SociologyVol 9 No 4 (2008)
Interview with Viviana Zelizer: Ten Questions About Economic Sociology to Viviane Zelizer
Svetlana Barsukova Three Parts Of Counterfeiting: Pirate Production, Grey Import And Imitations
Zoya Kotelnikova Good With Another Face Or Why The Possessors Of The Trade Marks Let The Counterfeiting Exist?
Scott Lash, John Urry Economies of Signs and Space (introduction)
Economic SociologyVol 9 No 3 (2008)
Interview with Theodor Shanin: "Soviet sociology was like a two-humped camel"
Bouyer R., Bruso E., Kaye A., Favreau O. To the creation of institutional political economy
Radaev V.V. The economic imperialists are coming! What should sociologists do
Veltus O. Symbolic values of the price: the construction of the value of modern art in the galleries of Amsterdam and New York
Economic SociologyVol 9 No 2 (2008)
Interview with Rosalina Ryvkina: "I was not in the image" - this is when you are on free loaves and you can behave as you like "
Bessonova O.E. Vector of institutional development in Russia: from quasi-market to liberal distribution
Slater D. Taking the market from economists
Program of the Third All-Russian Sociological Congress
Economic SociologyVol 9 No 1 (2008)
Interview with Andrei Zdravomyslov: "I have never been interested in collective production of ideas"
Radaev V. Modern economic and sociological concepts of the market
Shevchuk A. Self-employment in the information economy: the main types and concepts
Dor R. Differences between the Japanese and Anglo-Saxon models of capitalism
Economic SociologyVol 8 No 5 (2007)
Interview with Vladimir Yadov: "The sociology of labor began to die, because there was a market"
Strebkov D. Motivation of the arrival of Russian private investors on the stock market
Presnyakova L. On the issue of the future of the stock market in Russia
Abolafiya M. How is the understanding of the economic downturn developed: the interpretive theory of economic action
Skrylnikova N. Civil Aviation Market in Russia: Formal and Informal Interactions of Actors
Review "Agriculture of Russia through the eyes of contemporaries (1996-2000)"
Economic SociologyVol 8 No 4 (2007)
Interview with Ovsey Shkaratan: "Academic studies require calm"
Uzzi B. Sources and consequences of rooting for the economic efficiency of organizations: the impact of networks
Review "Economic Sociology in Russia at the Beginning of the Century"
The project "Transformations in industrial enterprises of Russia and China in the course of market transformation"
The Course Program "Economic Analysis of Modern Markets"
Economic SociologyVol 8 No 3 (2007)
Interview with Nikolai Lapin: "For Russia, a new economic sociology is doubly new"
Ovchinnikova Y.V., Radaev V.V. Formation of the structure of food markets in Russia in the process of its integration into the world economy
Uzzi B. Sources and consequences of rigor for the economic efficiency of organizations: the impact of networks
Review of book novelties: economic sociology in English - 2006
Monitoring of the Intellectual Services Sector
Economic SociologyVol 8 No 2 (2007)
Interview with Vadim Radaev. Ten Questions about Economic Sociology to Professor Vadim Radaev
Andrey Zotov The Study of Exchange Equilibrium and the Beginning of the Theory of Social Equilibrium in Economic Texts by Pareto
Alena Glukhikh Sociology of Consumption under the Context of Actionist Paradigm
Neil Fligstein States, Markets, and Economic Growth
Economic SociologyVol 8 No 1 (2007)
Interview with the creators of the newsletter of the Laboratory of Economic and Sociological Research of the State University - Higher School of Economics
Radaev V.V. What is the market: the economic-sociological approach
Scott R. Competing Logic in Health Care: Professional, Public and Managerial
Economic SociologyVol 7 No 5 (2006)
Interview with Nikita Andriyashin, a student of the MBA (GSP-SKK) program of Samsung Electronics. European Vegetable in a Korean Soup, or How to Train Employees in the Eastern Business School
Vadim Radaev What is the Market: the Economic-sociological Approach
Marina Shabanova About Some Advantages of Integration of Economic and Sociological Analysis of Institutional Changes. Article 2: Resources and Mechanisms
Patrik Aspers A Market in Vogue: Fashion photogtaphy in Sweden
Economic SociologyVol 7 No 4 (2006)
Interview with Vadim Radaev Innovation Education Programme of HSE: Symbiosis of University and Analytical Centre
Marina Shabanova About Integration Advantages of Economic and Sociological Analysis of Institutional Changes. Paper 1: Institutions, Practices, Roles
Greg Yudin Markets as Fields: an Attempt to Reconceptualise
Wayne Baker, Robert Faulkner, G Fisher Hazards of the Market: The Continuity and Dissolution of Interorganizational Market Relationships
Economic SociologyVol 7 No 3 (2006)
Interview with Maria Yudkevich About the Laboratory of Institutional Analysis of Economic Reforms
Natalya Tikhonova The Resource Approach as a New Theoretical Paradigm in Stratification Studies
Wayne Baker, Robert Faulkner and Gene Fisher Hazards of the Market: the Continuity and Dissolution of Interorganizational Market Relationships Part 1
Economic SociologyVol 7 No 2 (2006)
Interview with Vadim Radaev About the Laboratory of Economic Sociological Studies of the Higher School of Economics
Svetlana Barsukova, Vasiliy Zvyagintsev Mechanism of Political Investment, or How and What for Russian Business Takes Part in Elections and Covers the Expenses of Party Life
Nicole Biggart, Mauro Guillen Developing Difference: Social Organization and the Rise of the Auto Industries of South Korea, Taiwan, Spain, and Argentina
Economic SociologyVol 7 No 1 (2006)
Interview with Laurent Thevenot: "The French School of Conventions and the Coordination of Economic Action"
Tagir Kalimyllin Russian Market of Dissertation Services
Peter Evans, James Rauch Bureaucracy and Growth: A Cross-National Analysis of the Effects of "Weberian" State Structures on Economic Growth
Economic SociologyVol 6 No 5 (2005)
Interview with Carlo Trigilia: Answering 10 Questions about Economic Sociology
Marina Shabanova Socioeconomics and Economic Sociology: Points of Disengagement and Integration
Bernard Conver, Johan Heilbron Where did the New Economic Sociology Come from?
Economic SociologyVol 6 No 4 (2005)
Interview with Richard Swedberg
Tagir Kalimullin Russian Market of the Dissertation Services (beginning)
Howard Aldrich Entrepreneurial Strategies in New Organizational Populations
Economic SociologyVol 6 No 3 (2005)
Interview with Karin Knorr Cetina: "Ten Things You Always Wanted to Know about Economic Sociology"
Andrey Shevchuk On the future of work and future without work (futurological discussions)
Pierre Bourdieu Dinstinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste
Economic SociologyVol 6 No 2 (2005)
Interview with Philippe Steiner: "New Major Work on Durkheim and Economic Sociology"
Oksana Sinyavskaya Informal Employment in Modern Russia: Measurements, Scales, Dynamics
Karin Knorr-Cetina, Urs Bruegger The Market as an Object of Attachment: Exploring Postsocial Relations in Financial Markets
Economic SociologyVol 6 No 1 (2005)
Interview with Victor Nee
David Stark, Balazs Vedres Social Times of Network Spaces: Network Sequences and Foreign Investment in Hungary
Max Weber Economy and Society. Chapter II: Sociological Categories of Economic Actions