Factors and Types of Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption in Russia

  • Анна Андреевна Демьянова National research university Higher School of Economics
Keywords: addictive consumption, factors of alcohol and tobacco consumption


The goal of the paper is to study the types of alcohol and tobacco consumption in Russia, as well as to analyze its determinants. The following factors are under consideration: gender, age, gender attitudes towards gender roles, income, perception of future income, education, self-assessment, respect from the others, profession, life satisfaction, income satisfaction, employment, number of working hours, religiosity, social class, trust, family status, number of children, region, type of settlement. The research is based on the 9th wave of RLMS data set. 

Author Biography

Анна Андреевна Демьянова, National research university Higher School of Economics

Аспирант Государственного университета  –  Высшей школы экономики  

How to Cite
ДемьяноваА. А. (2010). Factors and Types of Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption in Russia. Journal of Economic Sociology, 6(1), 78-94. https://doi.org/10.17323/1726-3247-2005-1-78-94
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