Rami Nashashibi. Ghetto cosmopolitanism. Making theory at the margins
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Bryan Turner
ghetto cosmopolitanism
theory of globalization
Loic Wacquant
сity slum culture
Saskia Sassen
Harvey Warren Zorbaugh

How to Cite

ПавленкоЕ. (2011). Rami Nashashibi. Ghetto cosmopolitanism. Making theory at the margins. Russian Sociological Review, 7(2), 62-66. Retrieved from https://vo.hse.ru/index.php/sociologica/article/view/474


This text is a synopsis of the article “Ghetto cosmopolitanism. Making theory at the margins by Rami Nashashibi, witch was published in the book “Deciphering the Global: Its Spaces, Scalings and Subjects”, edited by Saskia Sassen. In that article author shows, by the example of postindustrial American slum ghetto, how ghetto becomes cosmopolitan, through the spreading of Islam and hip-hop culture.

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