Regional Policy Against Poverty (example of Irkutsk region)

  • Светлана Владимировна Белоусова ИНЦ СО РАН
Keywords: poverty prevention, quantitative and qualitative estimations, macro-economic poverty analysis, poverty


Poverty is the current Russian problem which became mass and constant phenomenon during the reforms years. The author gives the review of quantitative and qualitative approaches towards poverty estimation. The focus is placed on macro-economic aspects of poverty analysis and ways to prevent it. 

Author Biography

Светлана Владимировна Белоусова, ИНЦ СО РАН

к. э. н.
Зав. лабораторией экономических методов управления хозяйством ОРЭиСП ИНЦ СО РАН

How to Cite
БелоусоваС. В. (2010). Regional Policy Against Poverty (example of Irkutsk region). Journal of Economic Sociology, 7(5), 56-69.
Insight from the Regions