Distinctiveness of Japan

  • Ronald Dore Лондонская школа экономики и политических наук
Keywords: countries differences, capitalism models, firm concept, institutional dependence


The author follows the topic of variety of capitalism which became popular in 1990-2000 as antithesis to abstract discussions about globalization. The paper comprises the comparative analysis of Anglo-Saxon and Japan models of firm organization and its position on the market. Here the two approaches face each other: the first one defines firm as mostly the ownership structure and the second one treats firm as the universal society the activity of which depends on the managers’ and employees’ interests.  

Author Biography

Ronald Dore, Лондонская школа экономики и политических наук

Профессор Лондонской школы экономики и политических наук

How to Cite
DoreR. (2010). Distinctiveness of Japan . Journal of Economic Sociology, 9(1), 65-75. https://doi.org/10.17323/1726-3247-2008-1-70-78
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