Definitions of Non-Permanent Employment and the Problems of Its Measurement in Russia

  • Татьяна Сергеевна Карабчук Национальный исследовательский университет Высшая школа экономики
Keywords: casual work, non-permanent employment, temporary employment, labour legislation, structure and dynamics of non-permanent employment


The paper is devoted to the phenomenon of non-permanent employment in Russia focusing on the problem of definitions and measurement. After an overview of main approaches evaluating non-permanent employment, the author provides a definition which corresponds to the statistical categories applied in international studies. It gives a good opportunity to analyze the data from comparative perspective. The paper also deals with the issues labour legislation regulating non-permanent employment. The author estimates the structure and dynamics of the temporary employment in Russia which makes up to 8 million people in 2008. 

Author Biography

Татьяна Сергеевна Карабчук, Национальный исследовательский университет Высшая школа экономики

Кандидат социологических наук
Научный сотрудник Центра трудовых исследований ГУ ВШЭ
Москва, Россия

How to Cite
КарабчукТ. С. (2010). Definitions of Non-Permanent Employment and the Problems of Its Measurement in Russia. Journal of Economic Sociology, 11(5), 123-150.
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