Peculiarities of Interconnection of Labour Motivation and Organizational Culture in Commercial Banks in Altai Region

  • Руслан Алексеевич Долженко Алтайский государственный университет
Keywords: system of labour motivation, stimulating of workers, organizational culture, needs, values


The paper is devoted to the interconnection of labour motivation system and organizational culture in commercial banks. The research covers several banks of Barnaul city in Altai region. The main issues discussed in the paper follow as: in which way can system of labour motivation and organizational culture be interconnected? How can the impact of values of a specific type of organizational culture be taken into account while a given bank’s system of labour motivation is being formed?

Author Biography

Руслан Алексеевич Долженко, Алтайский государственный университет

Кандидат экономических наук
Доцент кафедры экономики
Социологии труда и управления персоналом Алтайского государственного университета
Барнаул, Россия

How to Cite
ДолженкоР. А. (2010). Peculiarities of Interconnection of Labour Motivation and Organizational Culture in Commercial Banks in Altai Region. Journal of Economic Sociology, 11(5), 84-107.
Insight from the Regions